For the first time in Talbora Kandasarabahali village of Lakhabahali Panchayat in lanjigarh Block. Seven tribal farmers has done a demonstration in paddy cultivation in SRI method with the support of Agriculture Dept. With the motivation of Seba Jagat staff they were given proper orientation on process of SRI method and for the first time the 7 farmers adopted the method and started SRI method .Though initially they were not sure of what this would result but after the harvesting they were very happy when they found their production has increased around 8 to 10 quintals per acre. From the land they were getting 13 to 15 quintals they got 22 to 25 quintal. Apart from the incentive amount of Rs 4750/-through cheque from agriculture Dept. made them more happy.
These seven farmers have become on eye opener in the area and now planning to work more with agriculture dept.