Welcome and congratulation on behalf of Seba Jagat. This is our pleasure to introduce ourselves that as Non-Government Organization we are working for the cause of poor category of people for their sustainable development by enhancing the capacity of village committees, Baidya Sangha, Peoples organization different issue based organization to improve the quality of vulnerable people in the community and giving hand holding support to manage their own problem. Our present focus is to actives the tribal people, Oppressed, Marginalized, Women & Children of tribal dominated district Kalahandi and Kondhamal of Odisha towards their Socio-Economic cultural and political empowerment. For this we assured their active participation in Health, Education, Land rights, Land management, Animal husbandry, Management of Water& Sanitation, Organic farming, income generation programs & Collection & Marketing of NTFP along with management of community forest resources and right related activities. We are continuing our activities since 1992 with committed and experience technical and non technical staff to fulfill the dream of the organization. We are in the path of success and we are proceeding to across the mile stone with the support of our donors, well wishers, district administration & local people.
Together we can establish a society which as just particular and sustainable, where each individual lives with dignity and self respect. Let us join our hands and strengthen the small efforts we are doing to make our dream most successful.